Options - Option - Strike Price in Derivatives - hi Traders I have opened a new thread on Options- Strike Price. Please post your valuable ideas on how to ...
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Option - Strike Price

  1. Thumbs up Option - Strike Price

    hi Traders

    I have opened a new thread on Options- Strike Price. Please post your valuable ideas on how to choose a strike price in different markets.



  2. Vignesh,

    As a buyer of options, its better to buy ATM or ITM where capital erosion will be less ...

    As a seller in options, OTM is preferred where its purely time value and premiums erode as we move closer to expiry ... Remember that OTM contracts are totally sellers game ... Buyers make occasional jackpots when spot price jumps

  3. Hello Mani,

    Could you please explain a bit more about ATM, ITM and OTM. I am learning about options trading.

    How to use OTM if I am excercising the PUT option for NIFTY

  4. I am new in this market and wanted to know more trading ideas from this post.

  5. Quote Originally Posted by rudra View Post
    Hello Mani,

    Could you please explain a bit more about ATM, ITM and OTM. I am learning about options trading.

    How to use OTM if I am excercising the PUT option for NIFTY
    Refer https://bse2nse.com/derivatives/2570...rminology.html

  6. Sho

    mani sir please tell me how do analyse option chain.........

  7. Quote Originally Posted by Sho View Post
    mani sir please tell me how do analyse option chain.........
    checkout the below video ... it works well for nifty

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