HP Openview (HPOV) - Setting parameter 'AGENT_ID' of 'hostname' failed in COMMUNITY CENTER - Below's a possible error that you may see when you try to set ovcoreid for a node in OM9 $opcnode ...
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Setting parameter 'AGENT_ID' of 'hostname' failed

  1. Setting parameter 'AGENT_ID' of 'hostname' failed

    Below's a possible error that you may see when you try to set ovcoreid for a node in OM9

    $opcnode -chg_id node_name=<hostname> id =<>
    Setting parameter 'AGENT_ID' of 'hostname' failed.
    In my case, the hostname that i was trying was an alias of an existing node and i ended up removing as it was redundant.

    This error mostly occurs when the ovcoreid that you are trying to set is already in use by another node. This can happen in cases of sever builds which includes cloning from a host node which had OV agent on it.

  2. Encountered this today and recreated coreid and granted cert was an option..Else complete reinstallation OVO would help

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