HP Openview (HPOV) - [oasetup] [ERROR] Product is not yet configured. Product can not be activated in COMMUNITY CENTER - I got the below error at the end of HP OV Agent installation on a hp-unix box. All components got ...
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[oasetup] [ERROR] Product is not yet configured. Product can not be activated

  1. [oasetup] [ERROR] Product is not yet configured. Product can not be activated

    I got the below error at the end of HP OV Agent installation on a hp-unix box. All components got installed without issues, but the configuration and activation part at the end failed.

    INFO: HP Operations agent configuration is complete - Tue Jul 16 03:40:41 PDT 2013
    ERROR: Product is not yet configured. Product can not be activated
    The install log oasetup.log (Or) oainstall.log contained the below error

    [07/15/13 07:53:44] [oasetup] [oasetup] [ERROR] Product is not yet configured. Product can not be activated
    I tried re-installed the agents multiple times, but it threw out the same error over and over again.

    Finally, i found the root cause. HPOvEaAgt.xml was missing under /var/opt/OV/installation/inventory ... I copied it over from the install bits and ran the configuration command alone to fix the issue.

    # cp /tmp/OVOA/HPOvEaAgt.xml /var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/

    # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/oainstall.sh -configure -agent -srv <mgmt_srv_name> -cert_srv <cert_srv_name>
    If you are facing the same issue, it could be the same HPOvEaAgt.xml file that may be missing under the OV inventory folder. or it could be any other xml file too. To be safe, you can just copy over all xml files over from install bits and run the activation command like below

    # cp /tmp/OVOA/*.xml /var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/

    # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/oainstall.sh -configure -agent -srv <mgmt_srv_name> -cert_srv <cert_srv_name>

  2. Some more commands that i ran that helped fix the agent

    #/opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/oainstall.sh -configure –agent

    - Configure the EaAgt fileset:
    # /opt/OV/lbin/configure/HPOvEaAgt/configure.sh

    - Activate the agent:
    # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/oainstall.sh -configure -agent -srv <mgmt_srv_name> -cert_srv <cert_srv_name>

  3. Nice article bro. It helped me out today...

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