Penny Stocks - HB Portfolio Ltd - Penny Stock Idea in Equity / Stocks - CMP: 45
HB Portfolio Ltd. is an India-based company. The Company is engaged in the business of investing in securities. ...
01-07-2011 08:36 PM
HB Portfolio Ltd - Penny Stock Idea
CMP: 45

HB Portfolio Ltd. is an India-based company. The Company is engaged in the business of investing in securities. The Company's wholly owned subsidiaries include HB Securities Ltd. and HB Corporate Services Ltd. HB Portfolio Ltd. offers investment banking services.
HB Portfolio is a 54 Cr penny cap share. Its a high dividend yielding share. Its trading at a P/E of little over 7. Their Revenues and PAT have been pretty flat, but consistent. Their NPM is impressively high. So any increase in revenues will spike its PAT as well. Its got good support on the chart at 42 levels.
Buy, Accumulate on dips and hold.
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