Penny Stocks - Indag Rubber - Penny Stock Idea in Equity / Stocks - CMP: 98
Indag Rubber Limited, manufactures and market precured tire retreads. The Company also manufactures allied products such as cushion ...
07-05-2011 08:49 AM
Indag Rubber - Penny Stock Idea
CMP: 98

Indag Rubber Limited, manufactures and market precured tire retreads. The Company also manufactures allied products such as cushion gum and repair gum.
Indag Rubber is a 52 Crore penny cap stock. Its currently trading at a P/E of less than 5. Very High dividend yields of over 4% in the last 12 months. Revenues have grown steadily in the last 5 years from 60 Crores to 150 Crores. Profits have increased from 4 Crores to 11 Crores in the last 5 years, with a marginal dip in NPM from 8% to 7%. Its not a multi-bagger, but a safe bet.
07-07-2011 06:33 PM
I read & appreciated your stock idea.
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