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  1. Intraday trading

    What is EOS in Intraday Trading?

  2. Quote Originally Posted by ZAWAR ALI KHAN View Post
    What is EOS in Intraday Trading?
    EOD is end of day .... not sure what EOS is

  3. EOS is the End of session in Intraday trading or day trading means that Session will be end at 5'o clock so in intraday trading or day trading we can get result of loss and gain at the End of the Session.

  4. EOS is a standout amongst the most famous coins utilized as a part of day exchanging. EOS is something other than a cryptographic money – it enables engineers to construct decentralized blockchain applications in the general population circle. Its versatility and support for a large number of business applications have helped see the esteem and cost of EOS tokens relentlessly rise.

    This page will cover all that you have to think about exchanging EOS, including certainties about its blockchain innovation, mining, wallets, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

  5. Day and end of session (EOS) are the same in Indian context. Some exchanges have morning and evening sessions (with a break in between), so EOS will be valid till the end of current session (add https in front ://tradingqna.com/t/difference-between-day-and-eos-order/4477)

  6. Day and end of session (EOS) are the same in Indian context. Some exchanges have morning and evening sessions (with a break in between), so EOS will be valid till the end of current session.

  7. EOS means end of session which might be referring to the end of trade session for the day.

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