Mutual Funds - Top Mutual fund in IPO's & MF's - DSP BlackRock Micro Cap Fund - Regular Plan (G)
Returns (as on May 05, 11)
Period Returns (%) Rank #
05-06-2011 11:37 AM
Top Mutual fund
DSP BlackRock Micro Cap Fund - Regular Plan (G)
Returns (as on May 05, 11)
Period Returns (%) Rank #
1 mth -4.2 76
3 mths 2.2 93
6 mths -19.4 217
1 year 1.6 161
2 year 59.5 1
3 year 10.1 27
5 year - -
hionstocks say this is gud mutual fund.
05-06-2011 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by
DSP BlackRock Micro Cap Fund - Regular Plan (G)
Returns (as on May 05, 11)
Period Returns (%) Rank #
1 mth -4.2 76
3 mths 2.2 93
6 mths -19.4 217
1 year 1.6 161
2 year 59.5 1
3 year 10.1 27
5 year - -
hionstocks say this is gud mutual fund.
nutasha, From your data, DSP BlackRock has given only 10% in the last 3 years. You should look at "Top Performing Mutual Funds - Performance Based" and "Tax Planning Mutual Funds - Top Performers" . There are funds which have given over 500% in the last 3 years.
05-06-2011 04:11 PM
ok mani thanks for advice...can u name any?
05-06-2011 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by
ok mani thanks for advice...can u name any?
Sure. Am listing the top performing Mutual Funds from the threads i mentioned above.- "Prudential ICICI Tax Plan" Yielded over 700% in the last 5 years
- "Franklin India Taxshield" Yielded over 500% in the last 5 years
- "Tata Balanced" Yielded over 400% in the last 5 years
These are proven Mutual Funds which has performed exceptionally well in the past 5 years. The Fund managers or the team of investors handling these funds mostly remain the same and you can expect them to do a good job in coming years too.
Diversify your funds in the above 3 funds as well apart from other ones you like. Should do good.
05-13-2011 02:26 PM
Hi there , Very good job indeed by the investors ,Thanks for sharing the information and congratulations.
01-09-2012 01:38 PM
ok.....thanks for sharing the information.
03-27-2012 03:57 PM
thanks for sharing this one...
05-18-2012 12:20 PM
Hey rmani, do reply me if you ever come to this thread again, as I have a query, that suppose if any person fails to pay his funds in the due date or he has no money either to pay ever again and his policy plan is still running, then what are the consequences regarding his funds. I mean it is sure to have his funds policy closed, but will he get the exact figure of funds that he has submitted during his past days ?
05-18-2012 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by
Hey rmani, do reply me if you ever come to this thread again, as I have a query, that suppose if any person fails to pay his funds in the due date or he has no money either to pay ever again and his policy plan is still running, then what are the consequences regarding his funds. I mean it is sure to have his funds policy closed, but will he get the exact figure of funds that he has submitted during his past days ?
If you are in a SIP, i guess units already bought should be in place. Do check with the Mutual Fund customer Care ... Instead of SIP, just accumulate when you can ...
05-19-2012 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by
If you are in a SIP, i guess units already bought should be in place. Do check with the Mutual Fund customer Care ... Instead of SIP, just accumulate when you can ...
I should have known that. However it just stroked into my mind as soon as I saw your reply. Indeed this a mutual fund customer care may sort out this problem, regarding the failure of funds payments. Thanks for the responding so soon. I hope I will access your help further also.
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