MetaStock - MetaStock Exploration Formula in Software for Analysis - ref(c,-1)>ref(c,-2) {2nd Day's close > 1st Day's close}
and ref(v,-1)>ref(v,-2) {2nd Day's volume > 1st Day's volume}
and c>ref(c,-1) {3rd ...
06-22-2011 10:41 AM
MetaStock Exploration Formula
ref(c,-1)>ref(c,-2) {2nd Day's close > 1st Day's close}
and ref(v,-1)>ref(v,-2) {2nd Day's volume > 1st Day's volume}
and c>ref(c,-1) {3rd Day's close > 2nd Day's close}
and v<ref(v,-1) {3rd Day's volume < 2nd Day's volume}
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