IPO - Initial Public Offers - Monarch Health Services Ltd IPO - May 16, 2012 in IPO's & MF's - Issue Price: Rs. 40 Per Equity Share
Issue Detail:
»» Issue Open: May 12, 2012 - May 16, 2012
»» ...
05-11-2012 08:20 PM
Monarch Health Services Ltd IPO - May 16, 2012
Issue Price: Rs. 40 Per Equity Share
Issue Detail:
»» Issue Open: May 12, 2012 - May 16, 2012
»» Issue Type: Fixed Price Issue IPO
»» Issue Size: 3,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10
»» Issue Size: Rs. 12.00 Crore
»» Face Value: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
»» Market Lot:
»» Minimum Order Quantity:
»» Listing At:
Incorporated in 2011, Monarch Health Services Ltd is engaged in the business of Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Care. They provides services in their clinics for skin care, Hair Transplant, Cosmetic Surgery, Laser treatments and Obesity Surgery which includes Liposuction and Tummy Tuck.
LOOKS Cosmetic Clinic is a venture of Monarch Health Services Pvt Ltd., India’s first ever prototype clinic with a pioneering concept of "One-stop-shop equipped and versed to cater both surgical and non surgical cosmetic and aesthetic treatments for head to toe transformations".
M/s Maxgainz Finserve Pvt Ltd has given written approval for bringing in Rs. 480 lacs as promoter contribution which will be utilized towards part funding of the project alongwith equity capital raised through the Issue.
Please Note: The Equity Shares offered through the Prospectus are proposed to be listed on the SME Platform of the BSE Limited (“BSE”). In terms of Chapter X B of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 as amended from time to time, we are not required to obtain any in principle listing approval for the shares being offered in this Issue. However, our Company has received an approval letter dated 20.4.2012 from BSE for using its name in the Offer Document for listing our shares on the SME Platform of the BSE. For the purpose of this Issue, the Designated Stock Exchange will be the BSE Limited (“BSE”)
Objects of the Issue:
The Objects of the Issue are:
1. To augment their capital base and provide for additional fund requirements for increasing operational scale by opening up 23 new clinics and for meeting the working capital requirements;
2. To meet the issue related expenses;
3. To benefit from the listing of equity shares on the SME Platform of BSE.

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