Issue Price: Rs. 100 - Rs. 117 Per Equity Share
Allotment Status:
Bid Details:
Number of Times Issue is Subscribed (BSE + NSE) As on Date & Time Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) Non Institutional Investors (NIIs) Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) Total Shares Offered / Reserved 3,500,000 1,050,000 2,450,000 7,000,000 Day 1 - Jul 20, 2011 17:00 IST 0.2000 0.8700 0.4000 0.3700 Day 2 - Jul 21, 2011 17:00 IST 0.2000 1.9800 1.5500 0.9400 Day 3 - Jul 22, 2011 17:00 IST 0.2500 9.4900 8.6600 4.5800
Issue Detail:
»» Issue Open: Jul 20, 2011 - Jul 22, 2011
»» Issue Type: 100% Book Built Issue IPO
»» Issue Size: 7,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10
»» Issue Size: Rs. 70.00 - 81.90 Crore
»» Face Value: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
»» Market Lot: 50 Shares
»» Minimum Order Quantity: 50 Shares
»» Listing At: BSE, NSE
Incorporated in 1995, Inventure Growth and Securities Ltd (IGSL) is a flagship Company of Inventure Group. They offer trading services in equity cash and derivatives market, debt market, commodities and currency futures segment to financing activity, wealth management, and distributions of financial product.
IGSL is providing advisory and innovatively structured financial solutions in the area of fund raising, infrastructure development, government borrowing, corporate restructuring and money market intermediation. At the retail level, Inventure provides investment advisory service and distributes financial products like mutual funds, insurance products, etc. IGSL's client includes institutional clients, high net worth individuals and retail investors. Inventure operates through 224 business locations including branches, franchisees (Remisiers and Authorised Person) and sub-brokers located across India.
Company Promoters:
The promoters of the company are:
1. Mr. Nagji K. Rita, aged 58 years, is the Executive Chairman and Managing Director of the Company
2. Ms. Jayshree N. Rita, aged 58 years
Particulars For the year/period ended (in Rs. Lakhs) 31-Mar-11 31-Mar-10 31-Mar-09 31-Mar-08 31-Mar-07 Total Income 3,495.87 3,969.80 2,435.21 4,691.68 3,026.05 Profit After Tax (PAT) 553.89 1,010.35 284.50 1,645.97 1,105.22