Issue Price: Rs. 90 - Rs. 108 Per Equity Share
Issue Detail:
»» Issue Open: Jun 27, 2011 - Jun 29, 2011
»» Issue Type: 100% Book Built Issue IPO
»» Issue Size: Equity Shares of Rs. 10
»» Issue Size: Rs. 34.75 Crore
»» Face Value: Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
»» Market Lot: 60 Shares
»» Minimum Order Quantity: 60 Shares
»» Listing At: BSE
Bid Details:
Number of Times Issue is Subscribed (BSE + NSE) As on Date & Time Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) Non Institutional Investors (NIIs) Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) Total Shares Offered / Reserved 1,930,294 579,088 1,351,206 3,860,588 Day 1 - Jun 27, 2011 17:00 IST 0.0000 0.0000 0.1400 0.0500 Day 2 - Jun 28, 2011 17:00 IST 0.0000 0.4200 0.9200 0.3800 Day 3 - Jun 29, 2011 17:00 IST 0.0300 1.3700 4.1800 1.6800
Incorporated in 2006, Readymade Steel India Ltd is engaged in the business of steel service provider to the infrastructure sector. Readymade Steel India have an installed capacity of 27000 MTPA for processing of steel used in the construction industry primarily reinforcement bars into various shapes and sizes like cranked bars, stirrups, verticals, column /beam cages etc.
Company process the steel through use of automated machines from its Plant and delivers ready to use cut and bend steel rods, prefabricated cages and other steel products required for construction activities. These products are mainly used in construction activities in various sectors like roads, power plants, ports, airports, housing, bridges, metros, monorails etc.
Objects of the Issue:
The object of the issue are:
1. To part finance the cost of enhancing the capacity at our existing facility at Khopoli, district Raigad, Maharashtra and the cost of setting up of new facilities near New Delhi and Raipur;
2. To meet the pre-operative expenses including Issue expenses;
3. To meet margin money requirements of working capital; and
4. To meet general corporate purposes.