FOREX / Currency Trading - How make money with investments in COMMUNITY CENTER - How make money with investments Before you make Investment, it is essential to assess the cost of investment i.e. for ...
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How make money with investments

  1. How make money with investments

    How make money with investments

    Before you make Investment, it is essential to assess the cost of investment i.e. for what other things that the Investment could have been use and with what benefit. At this juncture you have to component the comes back and the risk engaged. A higher risk investment should have a higher rate of come back. Otherwise, The risk is not worth the buying into. A reduced risk investment on the other hand need not inevitably signify a very reduced come back. While selecting a design, a compromise is made between these two components

  2. True ... Assessing risk to reward ratio is very critical for a trader and an investor ...

  3. (True ... Assessing risk to reward ratio is very critical for a trader and an investor ...) <-----------
    This is what i mean also, but i am not too good with the words so
    But again i agree and believe that one should be aware of the strategy he/she gonna use whether, investing, marketing, Online trading, Stocking, exchange or whatever.

  4. IS Forex is legal in India

  5. Quote Originally Posted by exnessshibin View Post
    IS Forex is legal in India
    Well, All the brokers do offer currency trading (ICICIDirect, Zerodha and so on). And they do offer following regulations i believe ...

  6. Is it Real Forex is Not illegal in India.What Type of Pair they Allow on ICICIDIRECt on Soon....

  7. Which Pair Allow on ICICDIRECT

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