Equity / Stocks - Piccadilly agro in MARKETS - CMP 24.35
The company is in to sugar and its bye products.Its Market cap is 57 cr.It has got a ...
08-07-2012 02:51 PM
Piccadilly agro
CMP 24.35

The company is in to sugar and its bye products.Its Market cap is 57 cr.It has got a 6 mw cogeneration plant.The company's performance during the last 5 years is commendable.Revenues have grown from 115cr to 232cr while the Net Profit from 1.19cr to 15.32cr registering an EPS of 6.49 for Mar 2012. Debt to equity is at 1.33 which is reasonable.Book value is at 38 and dividend yeild is 8%.Buy for long term.
08-07-2012 04:20 PM
The only concern is debt of 88 Crores which could hamper growth going forward ... But for that, it looks pretty okay ....
08-07-2012 05:13 PM
thanks rmani for the views...
12-12-2012 10:20 PM
Piccadilly Agro Industries has reported a sales turnover of Rs 85.46 crore and a net profit of Rs 1.76 crore for the quarter ended Sep `12. For the quarter ended Sep 2011 the sales turnover was Rs 59.12 crore and net profit was Rs 0.01 cr
12-13-2012 03:36 PM
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