Commodities - Reasons Why gold investment is Ultimate Lifestyle Business in MARKETS - The gold price started into the year 2012 at US dollars 1,599.6 per ounce. Over the full year 2011 the ...
07-10-2012 01:54 PM
Reasons Why gold investment is Ultimate Lifestyle Business
The gold price started into the year 2012 at US dollars 1,599.6 per ounce. Over the full year 2011 the price of gold had increased by more than 12% despite the two dips in September and November/December. This made 2011 the tenth consecutive year in which the gold price increased.
Given the low percentage of central banks asset allocation into gold in emerging countries like China (2% versus about 70% in countries like the United States, Germany and France), there is a solid chance that the official sector will continue to be a net buyer of gold in 2013 and even beyond 2013.
The reason why gold investment is better is due to the following reason.
* No employees.
* No inventory.
* No selling of products or plans to friends, family or others.
* No billing.
* No shipping or handling of products.
* No advertising costs.
* No office to maintain.
* No insurance costs.
* The “childlike” thrill of entering this vast world of online investing and being able to make extraordinary profits from the decisions and actions you make.
* You can work anywhere as long as you have a computer and internet access.
Having a some knowledge about the gold and silver trading sector, personally advocates the use of technical analysis process to flourish in this market without any losses.
* You can take time off and still make money.
* You are autonomous. You don’t need to check in; ask permission; consult with others or answer any questions.
* Very little time is required.
* Very little money is required to get started .
* F-R-E-E-D-O-M!
Besides jewelry, we have seen major boost of adopting gold as investment this may be due to availability of various investment options like Gold ETF, Paper Gold etc. This investment boost is likely to continue. Even gold investments have historically shown a low correlation with investments in other asset classes such as stocks or shares, mutual funds, government and corporate bonds and even commodities and other precious metals.
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