Commodities - Reasons Why Gold Prices Could Go Further Up in MARKETS - Real interest rates (interest rates minus inflation) are down globally: This would result in gold yielding better returns than stocks ...
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Reasons Why Gold Prices Could Go Further Up

  1. Reasons Why Gold Prices Could Go Further Up

    Real interest rates (interest rates minus inflation) are down globally:
    This would result in gold yielding better returns than stocks or bonds.

    The declining dollar
    Gold rises when currency falls.

    The ETF effect:
    With the introduction of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in 2003, investors can now buy into the gold market at the click of a mouse. What’s more, investing in ETFs is less risky than investing directly in gold mining. The convenience by which individual investors can get onto the gold rally is propelling the rally itself.

    International rally
    Gold is rallying worldwide, and this isn’t just a local phenomenon.

    Increased fabrication:
    Emerging economies in China, India and the Middle East are boosting the demand for gold jewellery

    Political and economic uncertainty:
    When fears arise, as they did post-Sept 11, the enduring value of the world’s oldest currency takes on a new lustre.

  2. Gold has long been touted as the ultimate safety net against hard times, and in the current situation too, it is the only asset class offering some comfort to investors.

    Over the last 10 years, gold has been the best investment, outperforming even equity, bonds and property.

    In India, gold has an emotional value attached to it. While rising prices may pose a hindrance in the short term, the demand would continue in the long run, as Indians relate gold to their culture and tradition.

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