Chit Chat / Off Topic Discussions - Facebook Ads alert: Your Promoted Post wasn’t approved in COMMUNITY CENTER - My FB advertising was not approved with the below reason,
The content of your Ad or Sponsored Story violates ...
03-18-2013 05:45 PM
Facebook Ads alert: Your Promoted Post wasn’t approved
My FB advertising was not approved with the below reason,
The content of your Ad or Sponsored Story violates our Ad Guidelines.
Ads and sponsored stories in News Feed may not include images comprised of more than 20% text.
Below is the image in question. Its a book that i wrote and the image is the cover page of my Book. There's not much text in it and my intention was not to communicate through this image as you can see.

Now, i have modified the image to below. As per facebook policy (Text within a product is fine, but text alone is not acceptable)

Now, my ads should get approved.
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why wasnt my FB promotion approved