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11-30-2011 09:29 AM
PF Withdrawal Form 10C - Clarifications
Click Here to open a Trading Account with "Zerodha" through us and get FREE Training on Futures and Options Trading Strategies. I was filling up my PF Withdrawal Form Today and was little confused on a few sections and found answers to them. Sharing it for the benefit of all,
5. What is RO/SRO Code?
RO/SRO here stands for regional office/sub-regional office am guessing. My PF Account no is "KN / 13015 /19797" as in my payslip. Here "KN" is the RO/SRO code as i worked in Karnataka (This varies for each state). So in the section where it asks for RO/SRO Code, only fill in "KN" or whatever is your state code. 13015 is the Establishment Code which will be same for all employees of a particular company. The last part "19797" is your PF account no.
What is Estt Code?
What is A/c No? beside it?
Estt stands for Establishment code in the PF Form 10C. I hope you are already clear about this in previous answer.
The A/c No beside Estt Code is your PF Account no. Here fill in "KN / 13015 / 19797".
6.Reason for leaving Service?
Just mention as "Resigned"
1(b).Name of the Claimant?
This only needs to be filled out in event of your death, wherein someone from your family would need to mention their name in this column.
8.Are you willing to accept Scheme Certificate in lieu of withdrawal benefit?
If you do not want to get your service accumulated by getting scheme certificate but want to withdraw the amount, you can write "Not willing to accept scheme certificate" or just tick the "NO" check box.
9. Do i need to mention the name of the family members and fill up nomination?
Its not necessary
#As the amount is to be transferred to my savings Bank A/c do i need to get it signed by my Bank?Is it mandatory?
If the forms are sent through employer, no need to get signature of the bank manager.
#Do I need to attach any other documents along with this?
You have to sign the advance stamp receipt also if you require the amount to be credited directly to your bank account.
#What is it about the wages on the date of exit? what is Period of non-Contributory service?
The details of last wages and non contributory details will be entered by the employer.
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