Chit Chat / Off Topic Discussions - For a major breakthrough in housing development in urban areas in COMMUNITY CENTER - The urban housing situation has been deteriorating fast and unless remedial measures are taken with a sense of urgency to ...
11-18-2011 03:21 PM
For a major breakthrough in housing development in urban areas
The urban housing situation has been deteriorating fast and unless remedial measures are taken with a sense of urgency to improve the housing and environmental conditions, the situation may get out of hand by the turn of the century. What needs to be attempted is to achieve a major breakthrough in housing development in areas hitherto demarcated as unapproachable for the underprivileged sections of the society.
This can be achieved by considerably augmenting the public-private sector cooperation in housing development on the lines indicated above and also by devising new avenues for achieving greater developments. With respect to the proliferation of luxury Homes Kerala is leading other destinations mainly due to the inflow of investments from other parts of the globe. Such homes are affordable only for particular sections of the society who have access to high incomes.
While on the one hand there is a building boom, on the other hand, people with small and marginal incomes are getting sidelined and are being continuously pushed out of their dwelling places by the cash savvy real estate lobby. In many instances people living in small houses adjacent to high-rise buildings had to move away from such places owing to the threats and intimidating tactics of some of the builders and property developers.
A breakthrough in housing development in the urban centers is likely to take place only when the government is able to demarcate certain areas of the prominent cities for low cost housing development. Reputed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other agencies with wide experience and expertise in the subject can be entrusted with this work for faster developments at lesser cost.
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