Chit Chat / Off Topic Discussions - Corns and Callusses - Natural Cure (Turmeric) in COMMUNITY CENTER - Corns and calluses are thickened layers of skin caused by repeated pressure or friction. They normally come below the foot ...
07-23-2011 11:59 AM
Corns and Callusses - Natural Cure (Turmeric)
Corns and calluses are thickened layers of skin caused by repeated pressure or friction. They normally come below the foot and palm.

Natural Cure:
I used this cure and it worked excellently well for me. Get some turmeric powder and add little drops of water and make a paste. Scrub the corn a little and apply the turmeric paste over the corn. Place some cotton over the paste and bandage it so that the turmeric paste stays over the corn. Do this every night when you sleep for a week and the corn will vanish without a trace or a need for surgery.
Usually, preventing friction is the only treatment needed. If a corn is the result of a poor-fitting shoe, changing to shoes that fit properly will usually eliminate the corn within a couple of weeks.
Calluses on the hands can be treated by wearing gloves during activities that cause friction, such as gardening and weight lifting.
If an infection or ulcer occurs in an area of a callus or corn, unhealthy tissue may need to be removed by a health care provider and treatment with antibiotics may be necessary.
Calluses often reflect undue pressure placed on the skin because of an underlying problem such as bunions. Proper treatment of any underlying condition should prevent the calluses from returning.
11-05-2011 04:04 PM
Natural Remedies
Thanks for your nice information.
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