Gati and Concor (Why Gati Share Price Rose a Lot)
Beginners Guide - Gati and Concor (Why Gati Share Price Rose a Lot) in NEW TO TRADING & INVESTMENTS? - email query from soubagya sawdia first of all, i would like to thank you for guiding people regarding stock market.and ...
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Gati and Concor (Why Gati Share Price Rose a Lot)

  1. Gati and Concor (Why Gati Share Price Rose a Lot)

    email query from soubagya sawdia
    first of all, i would like to thank you for guiding people regarding stock market.and for providing a very useful and short book for the beginnersits really agood book.i have learned a lot from these book.right now i am following your rule for stock picking.
    But i get confused when i saw
    gati indutries and concor they both are from same sector i.e. Logistics
    i am compairing both this company w.r.t to tips given by you
    reference gati concor

    1.debt (2015) 185+ 0 cap 2476+ 26500+
    3. Cash 13+ 2500+
    rest of the data you can see.
    My question is why gati is trading at a rate of 6 times from its last year rate.
    Nad why concor with 0 debt and good cash flow is got only double .
    And export are still saying that they are looking more upside in gati.
    All the things which i have mentioned above are best of my knowledge .it may happen that i may be lagging somewhere.and may be unknown about any information.please solve my query
    thank you

  2. In a bull market in a phase when Nifty PE transcends from 20 to 25, you will see lot of companies moving up big ... But, that will not sustain and most will eventually fall big during a market crash ...

    Such kind of up-moves are not justified and they get crushed back to fair or lower valuations eventually ....

    PS: We also cannot reason every move that happens in stock market .... I prefer to stay with fundamentally strong stocks alone when it comes to long term investing.

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