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08-27-2011 08:39 AM
Model Test Paper For BCSM
Click Here to open a Trading Account with "Zerodha" through and get FREE Training on Futures and Options Trading Strategies. 1. Indian Securities market is one among top______ securities markets of the world.
Ans Eight
2. The Bombay Stock Exchange was established in ______
Ans 1875
3. Index Futures trading commenced at BSE in the year ____
Ans 2000
4. Under Section 31 of The Companies Act, 1956, any company could be of the form except _______
Ans Trust
5. The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) in 1986 came out with a stock index ______
Ans Sensex
6. Who cannot be a member?
Ans A Partnership firm
7. Insider trading if reported can be investigated by ______
8. How membership of BSE can be obtained:
(i) By new membership
(ii) By nomination
Ans Either (i) or (ii)
9. An option that has intrinsic value is
Ans in-the-money
10. The base year of SENSEX is _________ and the base value is _____
Ans 1978-79 and 100
08-27-2011 08:45 AM
11. Index calculation frequency for BSE Sensex is _____
Ans Real Time
12. A person who combines derivatives with a business risk is a __________
Ans Hedger
13. The genesis year for BSE On-Line Trading System was ______
Ans 1994
14. The Bombay Stock Exchange was established as a _______
Ans Voluntary non-profit organization
15. As of December 31, 2009 the Bombay Stock Exchange was among the top_____ of global exchanges in terms of market capitalization of its listed companies
Ans Ten
16. Currently the tick size in the scrip listed on the exchange is ______
Ans 5 paisa
17. The 'Z' group was introduced by BSE in ______
Ans Jul-99
18. Present and prospective shareholders are mainly concerned with a firm's
Ans risk and return
19. The Securities and Exchange Board of India was established in ________
Ans 1988
20. A security giving you the right to sell is a ______
Ans Put option
08-27-2011 08:54 AM
21. Which is not a part of Securities market
Ans Commodity Markets & Real Estate markets
22. Majority of the powers granted under SCRA are exercisable by______
23. The Companies Act, 1956 does not deal with _____
Ans Money market
24. Arbitration at BSE is a ____
Ans Quasi judicial mechanism
25. All trading members are required to keep a Base Minimum Capital with the stock exchange is _____
Ans 10 Lakh
26. Ratios provide a ______ measure of a company's performance and condition
Ans Relative
27. The actual number of scrips listed in BSE PSU Index is
Ans All PSU stocks in BSE-500 index
28. Which of the following statements is most correct?
Ans The SML relates required returns to firms' market risk
29. The _____ measures the activity, or liquidity, of a firm's inventory
Ans inventory turnover
30. In India, BSE pioneered the concept of free-float by launching ________ in July 2001
08-27-2011 08:59 AM
31. SENSEX became the __________ in India to be based on the globally accepted Free-float Methodology
Ans Third Index
32. The market value of which assets can be found by determining future cash flows
and then discounting them back to the present
Ans Financial Assets
33. Time value of money is based on the belief that a rupee that will be received at some future date is worth ____ a rupee today
Ans Less
34. Who are the participants in the derivatives market?
Ans All given options are correct
35. The _____ is useful in evaluating credit and collection policies
Ans Average collection period
36. Variations in accounting methods among firms __________ financial comparisons between firms
Ans can invalidate
37. The first market to trade financial futures was the ____
38. The processing fee for conversion of membership is Rs. ______
Ans Zero
39. Amalgamation / merger (A/M) of two corporate members of the exchange or A&M of a corporate member with non-member company or demerger is governed by
Ans rule 257 B
40. BSE contributed what amount towards Broker Contingency Fund?
Ans Rs 9.51 Crores
08-27-2011 09:03 AM
41. The Value at Risk (VaR) Margin is a margin intended to cover ___________ that can be encountered on 99% of the days (99% Value at Risk)
Ans The largest loss
42. An investor wants to keep his portfolio return similar to the return from Sensex. He can choose
Ans A stock with beta of 1.0
43. ______ is the chance of loss or the variability of returns associated with a given asset
Ans Risk
44. The Auction Pay-in and Pay-out takes place on
Ans T+3 day
45. Examples of events that increase risk aversion include
Ans All given options are correct
46. The Brokers’ Capital fund fee for conversion of membership is Rs.___
Ans 2.5 Lakhs
47. BSE-500 index represents nearly _____ of the total market capitalization on BSE
Ans 93%
48. The _____ value interest factor is the future value of Rs 1 per period compounded at i percent for n periods
Ans Future
49. The Give-up entry is also known as ____
Ans 6A-7A entry
50. If the equity multiplier is 2.0, the debt ratio must be ___
Ans 0.5
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