Here's an utility to convert intraday tick data which is stored in the "\PIB 4.1\{clientID}\data\" folder after you view a chart to the Amibroker format. REMEMBER To sync the data of the required scrip to have PIB download its complete tick list after market close.

This utility will convert the .csv format data downloaded by PIB to .txt file which can be imported into Amibroker.

Attached is also the format file which needs to be copied into the "\Program Files\Amibroker\Formats\" folder.. or where ever Amibroker is installed on your computer.

To import processed txt files, select "File->Import ASCII" in Amibroker. Confirm the type to be "PIB Intraday Data", select the processed text files (multiple files can be selected by pressing ctrl, or ctrl+A to select all). Click Ok to complete the import procedure.