Multi Bagger - Maybe Morepen Labs will become a multibagger!!! in Equity / Stocks - I have been tracking a stack listed on the NSE, named Morepen Labs and have made some minor position in ...
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Maybe Morepen Labs will become a multibagger!!!

  1. Maybe Morepen Labs will become a multibagger!!!

    I have been tracking a stack listed on the NSE, named Morepen Labs and have made some minor position in that stock. I like fundamentals and think that it has the potential of becoming a multi-bagger meaning one can make at least double return on capital. Do remember that this is not an investment advice and I am a license individual.

  2. Quote Originally Posted by smifslimited View Post
    I have been tracking a stack listed on the NSE, named Morepen Labs and have made some minor position in that stock. I like fundamentals and think that it has the potential of becoming a multi-bagger meaning one can make at least double return on capital. Do remember that this is not an investment advice and I am a license individual.
    I am just adding my few reality points here

    1) If you look at the chart for last 20 years - it has not given consistent / steady returns and has not been a multibagger as well - Attaching chart below

    2) Also - companies outside the major indices have a lot more risk than returns to offer to investors

    3) Pharma is a tough sector to analyse and i could be wrong here (Any company may suddenly do well - but as investors its important to pick companies which are ideal for long term investment and scaling)

  3. There are more chances of losing money in search of multi-baggers and taking on bad quality stocks. Not saying this is a bad or good stock though. If you have conviction, then take small positions and keep the allocation suitable according to your risk apetite.

    Disclaimer: Securities Market is subject to Market Risks, please consult your Certified Financial Advisor before investing.

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