Intra-Day - stop loss in Equity / Stocks - Could you please let me know whether should I put stop loss amount in Buy screen in the Trigger Box ...
04-29-2015 01:38 PM
stop loss
Could you please let me know whether should I put stop loss amount in Buy screen in the Trigger Box or in the Sell screen. Eg if I buy XYZ share at Rs. 400 Target Rs.450 where do I put stop loss of Rs.390/-
If the stock price without evening moving a Rupee falls below Rs.390/- does the terminal will automatically consider it as a sale and execute my order at Rs.390/-.
Please clarify.
06-20-2015 10:47 AM
Ya IF its day order than it will automatically cut your position. You have to put SL Price 389 and Trigger Price should be 390..
If you wish to carry forward the position than have to make SL GTC.(Good till contract) or untill you cancel it
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