FOREX / Currency Trading - Is Any Guide for a Newbie in Forex? Please, Some Advices! in COMMUNITY CENTER - Hello, I'm really newbie about forex, and I'm going to make an account on an online trading platform. I'm considering ...
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Is Any Guide for a Newbie in Forex? Please, Some Advices!

  1. Is Any Guide for a Newbie in Forex? Please, Some Advices!

    Hello, I'm really newbie about forex, and I'm going to make an account on an online trading platform. I'm considering to start forex trading, but have no idea about how to trade. I read the articles on the internet but seems really confusing as there are many unknown terms in online forex trading. Please, help me how to start the trading after I invest on an online forex trading. I hope I can get some kind pieces of advice here. I found this website there's a session about forex trading, it's why I came here and hoping some advice from you fellows. Thank you, in advance. I'm waiting for your reply.

    Januar Sam

  2. Zerodha provides currency trading ... checkout

    However, i have not traded forex before .... I focus more on stock markets ...

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