Equity / Stocks - Gujarat auto gears in MARKETS - CMP-204.60
Gujarat Automotive Gears Limited (GAGL) was established in 1973 at Baroda, India for the manufacture of Auto and Tractor ...
05-12-2014 01:01 PM
Gujarat auto gears

Gujarat Automotive Gears Limited (GAGL) was established in 1973 at Baroda, India for the manufacture of Auto and Tractor components. Marketed under the brand names of KAG, these components serve the aftermarket and OEM's in India. Two decades of experience, an established network and a synergistic approach to design and execution, ensures quality products and components from concept to completion.
The copmany for the first 9 months ended Dec 2013 made eps of 116.PE of 1.12--Dividend Yeild of 1.82%--Past 3 years ROCE at49.60%--ROCE for year ended 2013(MAR) at 56.71%.ROE at 33% and D/E ratio at 0.01.Book value at 80.
Hope this scrip may give good appreciation in medium/long term
05-13-2014 07:36 AM
Dear Mani ji.. Kindly express your views and insert chart...
05-13-2014 10:58 AM
Gujarat auto gears - 37 Crore penny cap company trading at a PE ratio of 7 ... Zero debt makes it a safer penny cap for retail investors ... Promoter share holding is also clean ...
Revenues have risen from 12 Crores to 24 Crores in the last 5 years ... Profits have risen from 1 Crore to 4 Crores in the last 5 years ... Profit margins have risen from 8% to 16% in the last 5 years ...
More so positive as NDA led Modi is poised to win .... Great Pick by grapes
05-13-2014 11:08 AM
Thanks...Mani ji... for the quick response and views..
05-17-2014 08:54 PM
GUJ AUTO..declares dividend of 30%(0.60ps on the FV of 2/-)
05-17-2014 08:57 PM
Guj Auto.. full year EPS ---Mar 2014 at 106.70
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