Derivatives - How does MIS work for Intranet Options? in MARKETS - Hello All,
I am a newbie here, I have seen few of Mani's videos especially for the Options expiry day ...
01-24-2016 01:33 PM
How does MIS work for Intranet Options?
Hello All,
I am a newbie here, I have seen few of Mani's videos especially for the Options expiry day strategy. I am excited to try my 1st trade on the 28th Jan 2016. My understanding of MIS is that if I have 50K I can trade up to 200K (i.e. 50x4) for intraday.
What I am struggling to understand is the MIS margin applicable on the total margin or only on the SPAN Margin? Is this applicable even on the exposure margin?
I just did a check on zerodha for short sell 7300 PUT of 375 units. It says SPAN Margin = 1,13,006 + Exposure Margin = 83,503 = Total Margin of 1,96,509 Can I execute this trade with MIS though I just have 50K cash in my trading account.
Appreciate your response thanks.
01-24-2016 02:31 PM
I will try to answer to the point of 255 pm options selling ...
for options selling, normal margin is around 36K per lot in Nifty ... for MIS its, 18K
01-24-2016 04:16 PM
Thanks Mani. So basically if my capital is 50k through MIS I can trade for 100K worth of quantity. Thanks again, I am excited for this Thursday.
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