Microsoft Office Communicator is used in most offices for internal chat. There's a small little tweak to "Appear Offline" or what i call "Invisible" Status where no one else can see you Online in Chat. While you "Appear Offline" or be in "Invisible" mode, you can still chat with others.

This helps when you are working off-hours or in weekend when you don't want others disturbing you.

Make the little tweak in Registry for Office Communicator to enable "Appear Offline" or "Invisible Status",
  • Open Registry (Start --> Run --> regedit)
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Com municator
  • Create a new DWORD under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Com municator" with the name "EnableAppearOffline" and set it to 1. (Right Click --> New --> DWORD Value)
  • Log off and Exit Office Communicator and open again. You should see "Appear Offline" status

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