Beginners Guide - Fixed or Percentage Brokerage - Which is better for Beginners in NEW TO TRADING & INVESTMENTS? - Email Query from Sanabil two quick question- que 1) I wants to know that zerodha trading in stock or commodity ...
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Fixed or Percentage Brokerage - Which is better for Beginners

  1. Fixed or Percentage Brokerage - Which is better for Beginners

    Email Query from Sanabil
    two quick question-

    que 1) I wants to know that zerodha trading in stock or commodity or on both ?

    que 2) I am a beginner so initially i wondering to trade in intraday with very low capital, so my question is Does % or fixed brokerage would be better for me ?

    thanking you anticipation


  2. que 1) I wants to know that zerodha trading in stock or commodity or on both ?
    yes, you can trade in both stock and commodity in Zerodha

    que 2) I am a beginner so initially i wondering to trade in intraday with very low capital, so my question is Does % or fixed brokerage would be better for me ?
    Fixed brokerage is always better and lower ... And in Zerodha, max brokerage is 20 Rs ... When you trade with low capital, brokerage can be lower like 3 Rs also, based on your turnover ...

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