Beginners Guide - BSE-100, 200 & 500 Indices in NEW TO TRADING & INVESTMENTS? - Introduction
A broad-based index, the BSE-100 was formerly known as the BSE National index. This Index has 1983-84 as the ...
08-25-2011 09:48 PM
BSE-100, 200 & 500 Indices
A broad-based index, the BSE-100 was formerly known as the BSE National index. This Index has 1983-84 as the base year and was launched in 1989. In line with the shift of the BSE Indices to the globally accepted free-float methodology, BSE-100 was shifted to Free-Float methodology effective from April 5, 2004. The method of computation of Free-Float index and determination of free-float factors is similar to the methodology for
Base Year
The financial year 1983-84 has been chosen as the base year. The price stability during that year and proximity to the index series were the main consideration for choice of 1983-84 as the base year. The base value was fixed at 100 points.
Source: bseindia
08-25-2011 09:53 PM
BSE-200 Index: Background
Over the years, the number of companies listed on BSE continued to register a phenomenal increase; from 992 in to over 3,200 companies by March 1994, with combined market capitalization rising from Rs.5,421 crore to Rs. 3,98,432 crore as on 31st March, 1994.
Though SENSEX (1978-79=100) was serving the purpose of quantifying the price movements as also reflecting the sensitivity of the market in an effective manner, the rapid growth of the market necessitated compilation of a new broad-based index series reflecting the market trends in a more effective manner and providing a better representation of the increased equity stocks, market capitalization as also to the new industry groups. As such, BSE launched on 27th May 1994, two new index series-BSE-200 and Dollex-200.
The equity shares of 200 selected companies from the specified and non-specified lists of BSE were considered for inclusion in the sample for 'BSE-200'. The selection of companies was primarily been done on the basis of current market capitalization of the listed scrips. Moreover, the market activity of the companies as reflected by the volumes of turnover and certain fundamental factors were considered for the final selection of the 200 companies.
08-25-2011 09:54 PM
BSE-500 Index
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited constructed a new index, christened BSE-500, consisting of 500 scrips w.e.f. August 9, 1999. The changing pattern of the economy and that of the market were kept in mind while constructing this index.
BSE-500 index represents nearly 93% of the total market capitalization on BSE. BSE-500 covers all 20 major industries of the economy. In line with other BSE indices, effective August 16, 2005 calculation methodology was shifted to the free-float methodology.
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