Fundamental / Technical Analysis - List of all BSE & NSE Stock Codes in Yahoo (.BO & .NS) in STRATEGIES & PLANS - I was trying extract list of all NSE and BSE Stock codes in Yahoo. It was a very tedious job ...
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List of all BSE & NSE Stock Codes in Yahoo (.BO & .NS)

  1. List of all BSE & NSE Stock Codes in Yahoo (.BO & .NS)

    I was trying extract list of all NSE and BSE Stock codes in Yahoo. It was a very tedious job to extract from Yahoo Finance.

    Then i came across an easy way to generate the stock code list in a fast and easy way. Below's the step by step procedure.
    • Download the latest Bhavcopy from NSE and BSE sites.
    • Apply the XL sheet formula (=TRIM(LEFT(A2,9)) & ".NS") to generate NSE Code list for yahoo, assuming column A has NSE code list
    • Similarly use the formula (=TRIM(LEFT(A2,9)) & ".BO") to generate BSE Code list for Yahoo, assuming column A has BSE code list

    Below's the attached XL sheet containing both BSE and NSE Stock list with respective Yahoo codes.

    Yahoo Finance Stock --> Last updated 19th July 2012

    If you need me to generate the latest list for you, you can ask in this thread and i will keep updating the attachment

  2. Need lated BSE NSE Yahoo codes

    I have been looking for them to set up in Amibroker.

    Please help!

    Thanks in advance

  3. List of all BSE & NSE Stock Codes in Yahoo (.BO & .NS)

    Does someone have the latest stock codes of NSE and BSE which Yahoo uses. I need urgently to set up in Amibroker. Thanks

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